Sanskrit name: Gokshura
Botanical name: Tribulus Terrestris
Habitat: This herb is a trailing plant common in sandy soil throughout India at 11,000 ft. in Kashmir.
- Rasa (taste): sweet
- Virya (action): cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
- Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for vata and pitta
General information
Tribulus terrestris has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to promote healthy Gokhru (reproductive system) in both men and women. It is said to have an aphrodisiac action due to the presence of saponins. Tribulus (aslo known as tribulus terrestris, puncture vine, puncturevine, gokshura, tribestan, goksura) also maintains healthy levels of testosterone and hormones in the body, making it a great supplement for athletes and trainers.
In fact, some body builders use tribulus as "PCT”, or post-cycle therapy. After completing an anabolic steroid cycle, they use it under the assumption that it will restore the body's natural testosterone levels. Tribulus Terrestris is an all natural herb that stimulates the Luteinizing Hormone, the hormone responsible for the body's testosterone production. It has also been shown to enhance sexual behavior in animal studies. It appears to do so by stimulating androgen receptors in the brain.
Do not take if dehydrated. No other significant information regarding safety is available.
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