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Bitter Gourdin, Bitter melon

Bitter Gourdin, Bitter melon

Sanskrit name: karavella
Botanical name: Momordica Charantia
Habitat: This climbing plant is cultivated everywhere in India for its fruit.


  • Rasa (taste): bitter, pungent
  • Virya (action): heating
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effect): pungent
  • Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for pitta, vata and kapha

General information

Bitter melon has anti diabetic properties that help in controlling blood and urine sugar level and in reducing insulin resistance. It also has anti inflammatory properties and can be beneficial in treating skin inflammation


  • Dhalla, N.S. Gupta, K.C. Sastry, M.S. and Malhotra, C.L. 1961. Chemical composition of the fruit of Momordica charantia Linn. Indian J Pharm 23, 128.
  • Lotlikar, M.M. and Rajarama Rao, M.R. 1966. Pharmacology of a hypoglycaemic principle isolated from the fruits of Momordica charantia Linn. Indian J Pharm 28, 129.
  • Vasistha, S.K., vasistha, S.C. and Rao, V.R.K. 1961-1962. Chemical examination of Momordica charantia. Part III. Preparation of D-galacturonic acid and some new salts of it. J Sci Res Banaras Hindu Univ 12(2), 228.
  • Vasistha, S.K., Antony, T.C. and Vasistha S.C. 1960-61. Chemical examination of Momordica charantia. Part I. AStudy in the pectinous substances. J Sci Res Banaras Hindu Univ 12(2), 228.
  • Vimala Devi, M. Venkateswarlu, M. and Krishna Rao, R.V. 1977. Hypoglycaemic activity of the leaves of Momordica Charantia. Abstr of the paper presented at XXIX Indian Pharmaceut Cong., Waltair, 28-31 Dec., 1977. Indian J Pharm 39, 167.

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    Seattle, WA 98115

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