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Amla, Indian Gooseberry

Amla, Indian Gooseberry

Amla, Indian Gooseberry

Sanskrit Name: Amla, Amalaki, Amlaki
Botanical Name: Emblica Officinalis, Phyllanthus Emblica
Habitat: A deciduous tree with exfoliating bark






  • Rasa (taste): sweet
  • Virya (action): Cooling
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
  • Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for all doshas, especially pitta

Amla contains the highest amount of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), Phyllembin, Phyllemblic acid, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid in natural form and Cytokin like substance identified as Zeatin, Z riboside, Z nucleotide, Tannins 30%.

General information

Amla is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C in the entire plant kingdom, containing up to 720 mg/100g of fresh pulp and 921 mg/100cc of pressed juice. This is approximately 20 times the vitamin C content of an orange. It is a very potent form of Vitamin C and yet is easily assimilated by the human body. The Vitamin C in the Amalaki fruit is bonded with tannins that protect it from being destroyed by heat or light. Amla promotes and maintains healthy digestion, which in turn regulates the absorption of food by increasing the fire (known as "Agni" in Ayurveda) in the stomach, without creating any excess stomach acids.

Tattva's Herbs' Amla combines the wisdom of Mother Nature with the very latest technology known as supercritical extraction. This state of the art technology delivers a very pure extract that is both full spectrum and extremely concentrated at the same time. It is so pure that you can actually smell the qualities of the original herb in the extract, and you are greeted with this aroma when you open a bottle. It is sweet and powerful. There is simply no other extraction method so effective that you can actually smell the purity, fragrance and essence of the herb. This is a testimony to the great care that goes into the selection of the herbs and the supercritical extraction process itself. To give you an idea of the potency and concentration of the extract, we can often use as much as 200 to 250 pounds of fresh herbs to produce just one pound of supercritical extract. All of the herbs are grown on organic farms and selected with the greatest of care. The supercritical process produces an exceptionally broad representation of the herbs' active constituents, which oftentimes traditional methods of extraction cannot even begin to extract. Furthermore, the supercritical process does not use any chemical solvents at all. Instead, it utilizes safe and environmentally friendly carbon dioxide, the same carbon dioxide that is found in your sparkling water.


As with all dietary or herbal supplements, you should inform your health care professional that you are using this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing are advised to consult with a physician prior to use. However, to date, no side effects have been reported with Amla.

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Amla Extract - 120 Capsules

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  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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