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Blog - dosha

Simple Summertime Mixed Vegetables Recipe



1-2 TBS. Ghee

1 tsp. Fresh Ground Cumin seed Powder
1 tsp. Fresh Ground Coriander seed Powder
1 tsp. Whole Cumin seeds
1 tsp. Mustard Seeds
1 tsp. Fenugreek
1 Pinch Hing

Fresh Zucchini or other summer squash, cut in cubes
1 Cup Fresh Asparagus
1/4 Cup Red & Yellow Bell Pepper

1 tsp. Salt
1/4 Cup fresh cilantro leaves

Directions: Melt Ghee in medium sauce pan. Add the spices except for salt and sauté until the mustard seeds pop. Add vegetables and cook on medium heat, stir often to prevent burning of veggies. When veggies are semi-soft add the salt and garnish with cilantro before serving. This is a basic recipe that balances all three Doshas. The preparation is easy to digest and you can try different vegetables for variety, according to the seasonal availability and your particular body type.

Ayurvedic Relief for Muscles and Joints

Ouch! In response to lifestyle, diet, and emotional pattern, our doshas; vata, pitta, and kapha, can easily move out of balance. These imbalances slow down agni, or digestive fire, resulting in the toxic by-product of inadequate digestion known as ama.Vata, the main active dosha, brings ama into the colon. From there, ama travels [...]

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An Ayurvedic Perspective on Exercise

As with any health issue, Ayurveda bases its instructions on the person, and the particular doshas that dominate that individual. Exercise should be in harmony with one’s specific constitution. For instance, those with high Kapha can take on the most strenuous exercise programs, whereas people with Pitta dominating can take some intense exercise, but not [...]

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Factors that Affect Our Health

Ayurveda is a way of healing and a way of life that always takes into consideration the whole person. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, every aspect of your life contributes to your overall health. Poor health seldom has a simple or single cause. This chapter will cover just a few of the things that [...]

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An Introduction to Panchakarma

Ayurveda emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system, it is a science and an art of appropriate living which helps to achieve longevity. It can guide every individual in the proper choice of diet, living habits and exercise to restore balance [...]

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