Is Ayurveda For You?
Posted on 1st Apr 2014
Ayurveda – “The Science of Life” or Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems. It began in India many thousands of years ago.
The basis of Ayurveda is the idea that health and wellness is dependent on a delicate balance of the mind, body, and spirit. The primary idea of Ayurvedic medicine is to promote good health preventatively, rather than battle illness after it arrives.
It is a simple concept that includes many intricate beliefs and practices.
If you are considering making Ayurveda a part of your life, we recommend a few great books:
“Ayurveda For All” by Murli Manohar
“The Healing Power of Herbs”by Michael T. Murray N.D.
“Practical Ayurveda: Secrets for Physical, Sexual & Spiritual Health” By Atreya & David Frawley
“Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing: A Practical Guide” By Vasant D. Lad & Angela Werneke
“The Yoga of Herbs” by David Frawley and Vasant Lad
Ayurveda offers a body of wisdom designed to help people realize their full human potential using diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that “health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit.”
The real question that lingers is this – Why wouldn’t one practice Ayurveda?
Tattva’s Herbs was founded in 2000 with the desire to deliver the finest quality products that Mother Nature has to offer. We do not cut any corners or spare any expense to bring you the ultimate in quality and signature Ayurvedic oils, supplements, creams, chyawanprash and more. We accept it as our personal responsibility to present the world of Ayurveda to you with great care and respect, and without adulteration. Everyone involved in Tattva’s Herbs is proud of what we do, and we are grateful to be able to share our gifts with you. Ayurveda is one of the world’s richest treasures and should be respected as such.