Five Reasons Why YOU Should take Boswellia Serrata Today!
Posted on 25th Mar 2015
Boswellia serrata (frankincense) is a tree found primarily in India. In order to harvest the Boswellia tree for human consumption, strips of the bark are peeled away leaving gummy resin.
This resin, is the medicinal part of the boswellia tree. Extracts of this gummy substance are what is typically used in Ayurveda for a variety of health conditions.
Here is our list of the top 5 ways that you can benefit from this magical substance:
1) Provides relief for painful joints – Boswellia has been shown to enhance the blood flow to joints. In turn, this increases joint mobility and eases stiff joints.
2) Supports healthy respiratory function – It is great for your lungs, and has been shown to help suppress coughs and respiratory circulation.
3) Protects the liver & heart – Boswellia has potent anticoagulant properties, which both your heart and liver will thank you for! Preventing your blood from getting too sticky is vital to healthy circulation and stroke prevention.
4) Helps to lower cholesterol – Boswellia has been reported to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
5) Reduces inflammation – This is the most well known benefit of Boswellia. Many schools of thought agree that inflammation is the root cause of nearly all disease. Boswelliia has been shown in countless studies to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow. This alone, is helpful to so many ailments and conditions that people battle everyday.
There are many other benefits of this one-of-a-kind herb, and we encourage you to read more here.